The times they are a changing…
The site has been up for a couple of weeks now, and I’m happy with the look and feel – hope you like it! Is there anything you’d like to see featured on the site ? Let me know using the contact form.
Remember the former things of old, for I am God, and there is no other.
I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning,
and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand,
and I will do all My pleasure. Isaiah 46.9-10
The last few weeks have witnessed a number of developments that we need to be prayerfully aware of:
Despite hostility from Barack Obama, the EU and world Media (especially the BBC) Israel has re-elected Benjamin Netanyahu as her leader in the recent Israeli elections. Netanyahu stated that under his watch there would be no Palestinian State, and no division of Jerusalem, and the people of Israel have indicated their agreement through re-electing him. Barack Obama has signaled his displeasure with this position, and hinted that he may remove the traditional and long-standing protection that the US gives to Israel in the United Nations over such matters as recognition of a Palestinian State. Were Obama to carry out that threat, he would bring the USA onto a collision course with the God of Israel (Zechariah 12.1-3).
In my book End-Time Survivor I describe how God has blessed America because of its Christian principles and support for Israel. This reality is now changing, and is a situation we should pray into and watch over. Around half the world’s Jews live in America, but God never allows His people to assimilate – He wants to deal with His people in Israel, so sends ‘fishermen’ (to coax) then ‘hunters’ (to drive) the Jews to Israel (Jeremiah 16.16). This is His precedent, as we saw in Nazi Germany, and America (and the UK and Europe) will be no different. Look for increasing numbers of Jews making ‘aliyah’ to Israel in the near future.
Please pray for the rapid establishment of an effective and united coalition government, able to withstand international pressure and local terrorism.
In End-Time Survivor I equate the ‘Bear’ of Daniel Chapter 7 with Russia. The West felt that the Cold war was over, and that the USSR and Soviet tensions had gone away. However, the ‘Strongman’ ruling spirit over Russia has not changed, and we have in effect a state of war between Russia and the EU over the Ukraine. I have spent nearly 40 years in the Defence Industry, and have never seen the UK’s (or Europe’s) defences so weak, and this in the face of such threats as global Islamism. The economic crash and lack of sufficient political have allowed Vladimir Putin to do as he wills, knowing that no European state has the stomach or means to oppose him militarily. The EU is using economic sanctions in an attempt to deter Russia, but a cornered Bear is a dangerous foe, and with the falling oil price, Russia is becoming increasingly aggressive.
Please watch and pray, particularly for Christians who are caught up in the conflict zone.
Here in the UK we are in the run-up to the May 2015 General Election. Who should a Christian vote for? I suspect it won’t make much difference in reality, but God will decide.
The Conservative-led Coalition Government has enacted some of the most anti-Christian legislation that Britain has seen for centuries, the Equality Act and Same-Sex Marriage Act being just two examples. With just a few exceptions, this unholy legislation was enthusiastically adopted by the majority of MP’s. I believe we need to discern what a man says from what he does in these times. David Cameron says that Christians should be ‘more evangelical’ about their faith, whilst enacting laws that criminalise Christian practice in the workplace and public life.
The Labour Party was in my opinion largely responsible for the wholesale introduction of political correctness under the Blair Government. In effect, this ‘PC’ system elevates secular humanism and Islam over Christian principles. Of all the parties, I believe the LibDems to be the most anti-Christian, from the introduction of the Abortion legislation, through their championing of homosexuality.
UKIP’s Nigel Farage comes over as a genuine man, is openly supportive of Israel, and clearly wants to take the UK out of the EU. My prayer for many years has been that the Lord would do the same, so that we may stand alone before our God in national judgment. UKIP aren’t without their own problems, and are clearly learning some hard lessons about life in the political fast lane.
Having said all the above, there is a remnant of faithful Christian MP’s from all political parties who love God, respect the Bible and support Israel. Pray for them, and seek the Lord as how he would have you vote. Ultimately, he will decide.
The UK is most definitely under God’s judgment for a number of reasons: the systematic, deliberate and wholesale eradication of Christian principles from public life; the long-term opposition to the State of Israel, and attempts to divide her land and split Jerusalem; and the British Church’s abandonment of established doctrine, such as the recognition of homosexual marriage.
There are times when God elects a Government out of mercy, to bless a country – Winston Churchill was such a man. However, God may also choose a government out of judgment, because that country has turned its back on Him. Please pray that the Lord will remember mercy in His judgment on the UK.